newness is like sweet nectar

True repentance is the key of a promise that causes my heart to soar.




intransitive verb: to undergo transformation; especially : to undergo transformation from an image of one object into that of another

transitive verb: to change the form or character of : transform

Welcome to the boardgame called Promise on Earth. Here’s how you play. Each person gets handed an unlimited currency called “Repentance.” You have a little person and you start on the square called “Image of God”. Beware of the “Deceiver” that can slow down your movement, cause you to take steps back, or could even eliminate you from the game. You spend “Repentance” as you move about “The Earth”. The point of the game to the get to the square called “Character of God.” And then you’ve arrived at the “KINGDOM OF GOD ON EARTH” and You Win! Wanna play?

Be transformed. Paul. You must be born again. Jesus. Repent for the kingdom is near. John. Be renewed in the spirit of your minds. Paul

Jesus. Fully God. Fully Man. In him the whole fullness of deity dwells in bodily.

The church will be an equally-yoked bride with Jesus.

aye. there is yet more…

~ by moorlandshrub on February 14, 2007.

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